HAVATOR Whistleblow Channel

Report abuse

At Havator, we are committed to acting honestly, responsibly and in accordance with our ethical principles. We expect this from our employees and also from all stakeholders we work with. The Havator Whistleblow Channel is part of responsible business.

If you have discovered or suspect any financial misconduct, illegality or other conduct that violates Havator Group’s Code of Conduct, please report it to us via the Havator Whistleblow Channel without delay.

Messages to the Whistleblow Channel will only be handled by designated persons within the Havator Group. Whistleblowing reports can be made in one’s own name or anonymously. It is easier and more efficient to process reports made in one’s own name, but anonymous notifications are also processed equally. Havator treats the whistleblower’s personal data and the personal data provided in the report confidentially and in accordance with the applicable law. Confidentiality also applies when the notifier reveals his or her identity.

Thank you for your report, which helps us to continue to function as a company that upholds good business ethics in its operations!

Report abuse